School Group Bookings
All groups of 15 or more school-aged children are given a fully-guided tour lasting around two hours which is tailored to suit the age and ability of the children, including SEN groups. We can offer our standard tour or adapt it to focus on a particular requirement or needs when discussed in advance.

Prices 2025
All School Groups With Guided Tour, including SEN Groups:
Minimum 15 children aged 4 – 14
Please note that guided tours are only available during term-time week days.
All tickets: £11.50 per person
One free of charge adult per 5 paying children – one-to-one adults are free of charge.
Pre-School Groups (no guided tour):
(Pre-schools only)
Minimum 15 children aged 3 – 4
All tickets: £10.50 per person
One free of charge adult per 5 paying children – one-to-one adults are free of charge.

Opening Times
We can accept pre-booked groups at any time except for bank holidays. Guided tours for groups are available during term-time only. Please telephone for details.
There is a concrete path all around the Farm, and all areas are accessible by wheelchair.
We are proud to offer a Changing Room facility with an adult-sized changing bench, hoist and adapted toilet for our visitors that have a need for the specialist equipment.
Click here for Access Statement
We encourage group leaders to visit the Farm before bringing a group. Please arrange a pre-visit by calling or emailing the farm office.
We have an excellent picnic area but if the weather is bad, children can eat their lunch undercover.
Lunch boxes can be left during the guided tour for collection later.
Play Areas
There are play areas that include an outdoor climbing frame and swings, trampolines, and ride-on go-karts. The outdoor play area is accessible and contains all-inclusive play equipment including a wheelchair swing.